One year into the calamitous Russia-Ukraine war, we are just about to rediscover just how world-shaping wars can be.
Most Americans are willing to commit naval and air power to defend Taiwan from a Chinese invasion, but a plurality opposes sending ground troops.
Despite heavy sanctions, Vladimir Putin retains his grip on power and the will to fight in Ukraine.
China is unlikely to mediate in the Russia-Ukraine war any time soon. The risks, including reputational losses should talks fail, outweigh the benefits.
Putin’s Ukraine war has weakened Russia, strengthened NATO, united Ukraine, and accelerated the emergence of a multipolar world order.
The future of Russia-Ukraine war includes the possibility of a protracted conflict with no end in sight.
India’s Hindu nationalist government claims billionaire George Soros is behind a regime change campaign targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Under President Marcos, U.S.-Philippines relations have been revitalized. Manila has given Washington access to four more military bases.
Wealthy nations will continue outbidding developing nations for energy resources without significant climate adaptation measures.
Once a signature project of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the Addis Ababa light rail service now symbolizes its sustainability challenges.